News & Updates

Bridging the Gap, Building Equity: Digital Skills Programs Tailored for Girls

In today’s digital world, technology isn’t just a means to an end but has formed a big part of our daily life. It is commonly said that the illiterate of this generation is not necessarily the person who does not know how to read and write alone but the digitally illiterate one. If you look through this statement’s lens, it is not far-fetched from the truth. Our world is governed by technology and, more so, every facet of our lives, activities embedded with technological tools needed to improve our life pursuits.

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The English Access Scholarship Program (hereafter known as “Access Program” or “Access”) is a U.S. Department of State-sponsored program that is managed by the local U.S. Embassy/Consulate and implemented by the Aid for Rural Education Access Initiative (AREAi).

The access program is designed to expose participants to U.S. culture, global citizenship, and democratic values through English language scholarships, professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators, and programming for alumni.

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Shattering the Myth: Why Women Belong in STEM Careers

For decades, women have been underrepresented in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Despite stereotypes and barriers, women are not only capable but excel alongside their male counterparts. Unfortunately, the contributions of women in STEM have often been overshadowed by myths and misrepresentations, fueling scepticism about increasing female participation in these fields.

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Strategies for Promoting and Strengthening Learning Continuity Amidst Emergency Situations.

The fundamental human right of every child to education is threatened during and after a crisis. Every year, millions of children have their education disrupted due to humanitarian crises, acts of terrorism, natural hazards, and other forms of sudden and unforeseen insurgencies. People are forced to flee the comfort of their homes during a crisis with children paying the highest price one of which is an absolute disruption in their education. In the words of Catherine Russell, UNICEF Executive Director: “Children do not start wars, and they cannot end them, but they always pay the highest price”.

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Terms of Reference for the Baseline Research on the Availability of Transparency and Accountability Standards and Guidelines within Oyo State Education Sector Plans and Policies as Well as Knowledge Gap among Stakeholders in Oyo State

The Joint Action Grant (JAG) is an initiative by the Malala Fund aimed at supporting collective advocacy efforts among Education Champion organizations. This grant is designed to foster collaboration between multiple organizations, ensuring a unified approach to advancing girls’ access to twelve years of free, safe, and quality education in Nigeria. The JAG program encourages partnerships that align with the Malala Fund’s strategic priorities, enabling the pooling of resources, expertise, and influence to tackle systemic barriers in education.

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Bridging the Digital Divide: Transforming Learning Outcomes in the 21st Century

In the digital age, access to technology is no longer a luxury but a necessity. The digital divide, the gap between those with access to digital technologies and those without, is a pressing issue with profound educational implications, particularly in this century. However, the potential of technology to bridge this divide is immense. Understanding and addressing this divide is not just important; it’s urgent for improving learning outcomes worldwide, and with the right strategies, we can make significant progress.

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Education as a Lifeline: Navigating Crisis with Resilience and Innovation

In the tapestry of human experience, few threads are as vital as education. It’s the compass that guides us, the key that unlocks doors, and the foundation upon which we build our dreams. Yet, when crisis strikes, the very fabric of education is often torn asunder, leaving millions of learners adrift in a sea of uncertainty. From natural disasters to conflict zones to global pandemics, disruptions to schooling can have profound and far-reaching consequences. However, amidst the chaos and upheaval, there lies a glimmer of hope—a lifeline forged from resilience, innovation, and the unwavering belief in the transformative power of education.

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Towards Effective Institutionalization of Monitoring and Evaluation for Sustainable Social Impact

Creating sustainable solutions to address social problems no doubt requires a multifaceted approach, with high social impact programs aiming to transform systems and societies to improve people’s lives.

A critical element in these endeavours is not just the generation of ideas but ensuring the implemented solutions achieve the intended impact. This necessitates a focus on the institutionalization of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) processes.

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Press Statement: Smart Climate Awareness, Learning and Empowerment (SCALE) for Net Zero program

Aid for Rural Education Access Initiative (AREAi) has received funding from the United Kingdom government through the Digital Access Program (DAP) of the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to implement a multilayered initiative to mitigate the environmental impact of Nigeria’s burgeoning technology ecosystem. This will be championed through a series of activities that range from evidence generation, knowledge management and mobilisation, incentivized capacity development, media-driven public awareness, and high-level policy advocacy activities.

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When PR Goes South!

One of the most challenging aspects of Corporate Communications and Public Relations is being able to execute your campaign strategy effectively and in time, while meeting all targets. Such that the client or customer’s expectation is met or even exceeded.

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AREAi Hosts LIVE Panel Session to Mark The International Day of Education 2024.

Greetings, and welcome to a captivating exploration sparked by insightful discussions within a LIVE session, which was honed in on the global theme ‘Learning For Lasting Peace’ with a focus topic on: Bridging the learning inequalities of the Nigerian child and youth impacted by social unrest.  This engaging dialogue unfolded on Wednesday, the 24th of 2024, aligning with the International Day of Education observance.

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Warwick Africa Summit Selects AREAi as its Community Impact Charity Organization for 2024.

Aid for Rural Education Initiative (AREAi) has been selected as the Charity Organization for the Warwick Africa Summit’s Community Impact Initiative for the year 2024. This partnership with the Warwick Africa Summit is driven by a shared commitment to bridging learning gaps and ensuring skills development for disadvantaged children and youth living amongst the marginalized groups across rural regions of Nigeria.

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